I recently came across this line: Some people dream big, others do something about their dreams.
Dreaming big is only as effective as the ability to get up and do something about it. While not every dream will be realized; half of a dream realized is better than a big dream fantasized.
The number one obstacle to success and the reason why most people remain at the dreaming stage is because doing something requires stepping out of our comfort zone. And most people hate leaving the cozy comfort zone behind.
Perhaps the reason that our people, the Jewish nation, have been so successful in so many areas over the generations is because leaving our comfort zone is part and parcel of Judaism. The first sentence G-d spoke to the first Jew, Abraham, was "leave your land, your home and your birthplace, to the land that I will show you." G-d was telling Abraham: In order to be Jewish you need to leave your comfort zone. You need to do something for Me because I want it, not because its comfortable.
Leaving your comfort zone doesn't mean you need to move into a cave and ride on horseback. One step out is all that's required—and very quickly you will find out that you have a new comfort zone. Then you take the next step. And then the next one. Staying inside that zone will never make us grow, while taking that first step helps us realize that we can grow.
Being Jewish can be viewed as discomfort. It's not always easy to be limited in what to eat, wear, speak or getting instructions on when to work, pray or play. It can be seen as discomfort. It can also be seen as leaving our comfort zone for something greater. A commitment to something larger than ourselves. A connection to G-d and the Jewish people throughout the generations.
History has proven, and modern reasearched just proved it again, that Judaism continues and flourishes precisely becasue of religous commitment, not despite it; that we are here today because we weae not afraid to leave our comfort zone; and unfortuantely, the same reasearch has clearly concluded that when we force our Judaism to stay within our comfort zone, very quickly there is no Judaism left.
So the next time our Judaism clashes with our comfort zone, let's remember Abraham. Let's remember our history.
And there will no longer be any clashes....